Art Blog #1 (May 21, 2024)

This is my first proper blog post on this site!! I probably won't update/make these too often unless I have a lot to talk about. I'm hoping to get a lot done this summer artistically before I have to start work proper indefinitely so maybe it'll be active for a bit? We'll see.

This week, I've been drawing, messing around in SFM, and am intending on starting up Godot development again. I also have an art/comic? project I want to begin... not something super long-form, though, because I'll never finish it otherwise. But I have ideas!! I just need to get them down on paper. Or... a screen, I guess. I'm trying to be more organized with my schedule this summer so hopefully I'll have something to show for it soon. Stay tuned...? I haven't used SFM since last year, so I've mostly been screwing around with workshop models:

I love playing with these things like dolls.

I've also begun working on this site again for the first time in a year, hence the blog! I never got to figuring out CSS, and honestly, I still haven't, but the site is closer to the vision of it I've had than it's ever been. So that's something! I aim to make it cleaner and fancier eventually. Maybe even add some little gifs...? What a lovely day that will be.

Finally, I've been trying to get back into working with Godot. I've never made anything proper with it, just followed some tutorials and whatnot, but I want to have SOMETHING done. Maybe I'll pursue making something in RPGMaker as well...? There's too many interesting things to do and so little time!!!

A short clip of what I've made so far with Godot. This video is from October of 2023, so I suppose that's the last time I touched this project.

Anyways, that's all for this update! Who knows what I'll have started or finished next time... stay tuned. Have a good one!!